Recently, many ring-searching customers asked a common question: "Which finger should I wear this ring on?"
First and for most, at different point in time, all of us have different sets of issues or worries to deal with. The natural, non-chemically-treated, treasures (i.e. jade, crystal, wood, gems) which you happen to buy at that point in time would usually coincide with your "purpose/need". Therefore, you should correlate that purpose/need of yours with the finger relating to that issues/worries.
Without further a do, we shall look into which finger represents which general area of concern in life:
Thumb 拇指:Inner Self 内在
Index Finger 食指:Career 事业
Middle Finger 中指:Wealth 财富
Ring Finger 无名指:Relationships 人缘、交际
Little Finger 尾指:Outside 外部
